
Support Of Foucault's Pendulum

Decent Essays

Kassandra Whiteford
Dr. Ruzhitskaya
Foucault Pendulum Experiment
Support of Foucault’s Pendulum
The Foucault’s Pendulum was named after French Physicist Leon Foucault (Sommeria). He created the experiment to prove that the Earth is in a constant state of rotation. The experiment was simple, a Pendulum was created with a weight on the end of a wire which was attached to a fixed point on the ceiling, once set in motion it continued to move and slowly rotated its position. The use of the Foucault Pendulum was successful and ended several millennial of argument over whether or not the Earth was actually in the rotation, with a simple repeatable experiment. Thus, the Foucault Pendulum experiment that proved the Earth rotates on an axis in an understandable way. The Foucault Pendulum successfully proved that the Earth is rotating and is still used and accepted as proof even today. …show more content…

Once set in motion the Pendulum stays in motion because of the force of gravity acting upon it. The experiment was set up with multiple wooden pegs attaching the two-hundred-pound Pendulum to the ceiling by both ends. The wire holding it was then burned at one end to release it into motion there were multiple pegs on the ground that were knocked over when the Pendulum rotated position (Foucault Pendulum). The way the Pendulum was released would not cause an experimental error by adding direction in the way it would if a person released it. Pendulums are known to swing in straight planes so the rotation must be caused by the Earth beneath it. The experiment was also repeated multiple times by various scientists to prove the credibly. With multiple testings’ and repeated experimental trials the Pendulum always behaved the same way. The Pendulum stayed in motion and continues to swing rotating around the room. The Pendulum mimics the way our Earth rotates proving that it is in constant

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