
Supply Chain Management of Pepsi

Better Essays

Dissertation Report
“A Brief study on Effectiveness of Channel of Distribution of Pepsi Products in Patna”
Lumbini Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Hajipur

Under Guidance
Mr. Manish Sahay
[Market Developing Officer PEPSI, Patna (Bihar)]

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the award of


Submitted To Submitted By

Mr. Rahul Saxena Kunal
(Class Coordinator) PGDM – III (B) Roll: - 11

Academy Of Management Studies, Dehradun


I, Kunal declaring that all the information given in this project report is true and correct as far as I know. I am also declaring that all the work in this project is done by me …show more content…

I am also equally thankful to Mr. Anish Kumar (Sales Co-coordinator, Bihar) who taught me every minute aspect of marketing. A special appreciative “Thank you” in accorded to all staff of “Lumbini Beverages Pvt. Ltd.”, Hajipur and MDC, Patna for their positive support. I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and member of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically. At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to complete this project report.


CONTENTS ➢ Preface ➢ Acknowledgement


Chapter 1. Introduction to the Study ➢ Objective of the Study ➢ Importance and relevance of the Study ➢ Scope of the Study ➢ Methodology used in the study ➢ Limitation of the study
Chapter 2. Introduction of the Soft Drinks in India ➢ History of Soft Drinks in India ➢ History of Pepsi ➢ Production Process ➢ Product Manufactured and Main Consumer
Chapter 3. Organizational Structure ➢ History and Organizational Structure of Lumbini Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Hajipur
Chapter 4. A Theoretical frame work of Channel of distribution
Chapter 5. Channel of distribution of

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