
Superheroes In Beowulf

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With great power, comes great responsibility. Anyone who is a fan of superheroes has heard those words about power and responsibility. What many of these fans have not heard of is where the purpose of this phrase came from. Another way it could be said is, why superheroes do good with their power and not bad. What is the reason that Superman doesn’t use his power to rob a bank? What stops the Flash from stealing, why does he chose to help others instead? The source of the idea that superheroes have a duty to help others and do good deeds with their powers is the epic Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf. This excerpt from The Middle Ages summarizes what this poem is: “The most famous Old English poems are those that deal with the heroic past of the Anglo-Saxons. …show more content…

Set in Scandinavia in the distant past, it gives a vivid picture of old Germanic life, as it tells the story of Beowulf’s successful fights with three monsters.” (English Language and Literature) There are three parts to this epic, and three different challenges where it is shown why a hero would want to use their abilities for the greater good of society. Beowulf is a Geatish soldier from the land of the Geats, and he has been told of a monster that terrorizes Hrothgar’s hall. Grendel is the name of the nightmarish beast who lives in a nearby marsh. Beowulf kills Grendel with his bare hands by pulling off one of his arms, because Grendel has no weapons but his own claws. Grendel does not die immediately, he has the chance to flee to his underground home, where his mother becomes furious. She sneaks back into the mead hall the following night and, out of vengeance for her son, kills Aeschere. Aeschere was Hrothgar’s trusted adviser and devote friend. His death causes the king to become saddened and disheartened but, Beowulf tells him that it is not a time to

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