
Super Bowl Sunday

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It’s been a praised tradition for almost twenty years. On Super Bowl Sunday, our entire family will gather at my grandfather’s house to watch the big game. My grandfather, Wayne Kellenberger, loves football. He has a few priceless autographed portraits of NFL players, like Reggie White and Joe Montana, whose signatures are written so sloppily, they are almost illegible. Being a die hard Eagles fan, my grandfather “bleeds green.” He has not missed a single Eagles game in over fifteen years! Every Sunday, I find him sitting in his worn down leather chair, screaming at his television every time the referee makes a horrible call, “How did you not see that pass interference? Are you blind or something?”
Unfortunately for my grandfather, the Eagles …show more content…

Distasteful of this natural color, he uses Touch of Gray Just for Men, so he can have his cherished “salt and pepper” look. His green eyes perfectly match the Eagles logo, and he claims that this is good luck. Besides being a football fanatic, my grandfather also loves cooking. On Super Bowl Sunday, he puts on his favorite Tommy McDonald jersey, his “Kiss the Cook” apron, and begins preparing dinner. Upon kickoff, our entire family is treated to many different foods and desserts, such as pizza, buffalo wings, butter cake, and pumpkin pie. During the game, my grandfather can be found in his leather chair, intensely watching every play and criticizing the players, “What a horrible play! I could go out onto that field right now, and perform better than that whole team!”
After the game comes to an end, Wayne looks merry, laughing hysterically at his favorite commercials of the night. One being A Very Brady Christmas. His post game signature move is opening a refreshing Miller Light to kick my family out so he can go to bed. Here is a little warning to anyone planning on joining the Kerrigan/Kellenberger Super Bowl party: never leave before the Miller Light has been opened, and never mention the 2004 Super

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