
Sunfield Violations

Decent Essays

In an investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Sunfield was found to have fifty seven safety regulation violations. Sunfield, an auto parts manufacturer, was given forty six citations for egregious willful violations, willful violations, repeated violations, and serious safety violations. The citations resulted in a total of $3.4 million in fines.

The investigation and ensuing citations were brought on by incidents that occurred earlier this year. On separate occasions, two employees were seriously injured while working at the manufacturing plant. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez spoke on the issue, stating that “when companies prioritize production and profit over the health and safety of their workforce, too often it is the workers that pay the price.” He also noted that the investigation found that the company’s leaders failed to properly train workers for their jobs. …show more content…

The incidents at Sunfield showcase three of the four main provisions of the act. First, it is an example of compliance, or lack thereof. Ohio does not have a state plan and companies in the state must comply with standards issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The innumerable citations issued to the company prove that the company failed to comply with these standards. Secondly, the named safety violations show that Sunfield was unable to keep their workplace free from recognized hazards. The company should have been aware of hazards in the workplace as well as the unsafe practices taking place. Lastly, the article highlights OSHA’s right to inspect workplaces. It also showed that OSHA can inspect and investigate a worksite if they have received complaints of unsafe work conditions. Overall, this article was able to highlight the bulk of the OSHA Act’s provisions and how those provisions work together to keep workplaces safe across the

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