
Sums Of Money Essay

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Many professional athletes and entertainers earn large sums of money. Do you agree or disagree with these individuals making high salaries? Use specific details and examples to convince others to support your position. ______________________________________________________________ Professional athletes are some of the most entertaining people to watch. Professional athletes also make some good money. Many professional athletes and entertainers earn large sums of money. Yes, athletes and entertainers do make a pretty large amount of money compared to the average person. Professional athletes and entertainers also do much more stuff than the average person. If you were professional and good at something wouldn’t you want a large sum money, I know I would, I mean after all they are entertainers. The question is do I agree with the sums of money that professional athletes and entertainers make, well I do. I agree with the large sums of money that professional athletes and entertainers make because we pay to see them, they worked hard to get where they are, and they are cool people. One of the reason why I agree with the large sums of money that professional athletes and entertainers make is because we pay to see them. When I think about it I would want the person I’m paying to go see to get the money, right? If I didn’t want them to make so much money …show more content…

These people are some of the coolest people in the world. I say that because think about all the people who would like to be them and do the things they do. They are cool because they can do what they want with the large sums of money they earned. They are cool because they are independent you can’t be mad at them because of the money they have. There honestly cool people think about all the kids that pretend that they are professional athletes. After all, who wouldn't want to be

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