
Summary: Three Parent In Vitro Fertilization

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Three Parent In Vitro Fertilization
“With an estimation of 1 in 4,000 children born with a mitochondrial disease resulting in; deafness, blindness, diabetes, muscle weakness, heart, kidney, and liver failure.”2 Mitochondrial dysfunction has is a significant cause of a number of serious multi-organ diseases due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or in nuclear genes involved in mitochondrial function. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), a commonly used technique to detect mutations in nuclear DNA,is used to determine levels of mtDNA in embryos. Mitochondrial DNA is strictly maternally inherited, generates most of a cell’s energy, and performs other functions that keep cells healthy. “Each mitochondria has a circle of DNA containing …show more content…

“Critics have pointed to ethical issues including safety concerns and risks to children, genetic and germline engineering concerns, the potential exploitation of the third-parent egg donor, donor anonymity and privacy, and objections to creating babies with three parents, which undermines natural and traditional conceptions of procreation.” 5 Another concern is the determination of legal guardians. From a genetic standpoint, the content being donor contributed is said to be 0.00001 percent. This fraction is a trivial amount, but remains an issue without clear laws in place. 2 Concern is also expressed regarding designer babies. While the initial goal of mitochondrial replacement technology is intended to be therapeutic as it aims to avoid the birth of a child with mitochondrial disease, this technology could be used without therapeutic intent. If genetic modification is allowed, will future research allow for specific traits like intelligence, height, or eye color to be selected by parents? 6
In Conclusion, three parent IVF carries many risks and ethical concerns. In my opinion more laws and policies need to be in place in order for research in be funded. The appeal of removing diseases and disorders from occurring in future generations is not greater than the risks involved in genetic modification. With further research and understanding of mitochondrial genetics, risks and concerns can be

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