
Summary: The Precarious Politics Of Precious

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“The fictional narrative of Precious’s tragic young life reminds readers and viewers of the real tragic experiences of young girls much like her,” says Mia Mask in The Precarious Politics of Precious: A close reading of a Cinematic Text (Mask 98). Many girls can relate to Claireece Precious Jones in some way through race, class, gender, sexuality, or looks. Many girls are abused, sexual harassed, are teen moms, face financial issue, or are struggling with confidence and school from external conflicts. Precious has a huge impact and effect on the audience because we can see ourselves as Claireece in some way. In all the film’s we have viewed and discussed in class, women are held down by men or are pressured to please a man, play the girlfriend …show more content…

There is a lot of stereotypes and judgment placed on the LGBTQ community just like there are on women like Precious. I do sometimes have a hard time understanding and relating to the LGBTQ community. Both of these great movies gave me a better understanding and portrayed the struggles faced with sexuality. I gained more knowledge on how relatable these two love stories were between women compared to the love shared between heterosexual couples. Karen Hollinger states in Feminist Film Studies, “Desert Hearts’ positive portrayal of lesbian romance succeeds as no film had before it in reversing the overt homophobia that previously characterized representations of lesbianism in mainstream cinema. It was the first mainstream film to present a lesbian romance as sincere and loving…” (Hollinger 141). Both these films presented the innocent love of women who also faced judgment, abuse, and were struggling to break out of the problems and boundaries society placed on them. The film Boys Don’t Cry was based on the true story of Brandon Teena. Brandon was murdered because of her sexuality. Many people, not just women, have similar issues and are abused, judged and harassed because of them. Both of these films were able to relate to the audience and draw them in like

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