
Summary: The Perfect Islamic Community

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Muslims believe that Mohammed had created the perfect Islamic community when he lived in Medina. This community combined a government and religion. Those who followed him, agreed on the new faith and followed the Quran. They felt it was critical to acknowledge Mohammed as God's prophet. Problems soon arose. Leaderships were questioned and a war began. One group felt that the community should select the leadership while the other group believed that Ali, Mohammed's cousin and son-in-law, were the only leaders. The Muslim community split. Sunnis believed that four Guided Caliphs were the successors to Mohammed. The Shi'ites only saw Ali as the only successor. Ali followers were not happy. The Umayyads, Uthman's family, felt that they represented …show more content…

Shaul Shay, in 2002, suggested that the mujahedeen groups were still struggling when it came to control of their country. Al Qaeda was just one of many organizations that was paramilitary that joined the fray, and America failed during this time to recognize the two-level problems. Napoleoni and Cooley mentioned that American oil companies looked for alliances with Afghan groups so they could have an oil pipeline from Central Asia to the Indian Ocean. This pipeline would have run through through Afghanistan. It was more about the possible profits from this pipeline than the political problems that Afghanistan was facing. On the other hand, the United States was ignoring all issues. As America was celebrating the end of the Cold War, Afghan groups were only growing more in numbers. Only few people during this time knew the group al Qaeda or the name Osama bin Laden. As international terrorism grew in the 1990's in Asia and Africa, Osama bin Laden was been as an Islamic discontent symbol. Faced with a population growth, young men had no jobs bin Laden was a face for these discontented men and this was where his movement was …show more content…

He started a campaign that was systematic as the organization got stronger. This group first started killing leaders in the government, commanders in the military, and soldiers. Secondly, they focused on the security units and intelligence while they continued to train and recruit more terrorist. Al Nusra soon was the best organization that was in the rebel ranks. With funding and equipment, they soon controlled large portions of Syria and recruits only increased more. In 2012, Jawlani al Nusra looked for alliances, provided security for their sections, and made compromises. Zawahiri was happy with this organization and believed he controlled both ISI and al

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