
Summary: The Most Crucial Tip To Boost Your Brain Fitness

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The Most Crucial Tip To Boost Your Brain Fitness
By Andre Auerbach
Sep 15, 2009
Your brain fitness, more so than other parts of your body, is crucial for your quality of life. Why? Because in the brain is where your consciousness resides. The thing that makes you... you... is there. There's nothing more scary to suffer from a debilitating cognitive decline that makes you lose yourself.

In this article, I'll attempt to show you 4 tips to help you avoid that decline. Or if you're currently already experiencing decline and nothing has worked so far, feel free to try this out.

1. Brain improvements are possible due to a process called "neurogenesis". Neurogenesis is a term scientists gave to the process of growing new brain cells.

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One of the things you can do to stimulate your brain is to exercise your brain. Unfortunately, simple games such as sudoku do not challenge the brain sufficiently to boost neurogenesis.

Some studies have shown trying to solve Rubik's cube can allow for the development of brain cells. But if you're looking for more specific improvements, then specialized brain exercises are the way to go.

Some brain exercises are designed to boost auditory processing that boosts your conversation skills, that includes pronunciation, listening and memory through auditory cues. Others are designed to process your visual processing capability - improving reaction time, memory through visual cues and range of sight.

What these brain exercises is it simulates real life cases so as to stimulate the brain. Even when you're asleep, your brain never stop working - but the problem is of course, some parts of the brain are working more than others. The brain exercises stimulate the parts of the brain not normally worked out.

When stimulated, neurons fire and create synapses. By repeatedly doing these exercises you can create new neurons and synapses as your brain tries to master the new

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