
Summary: The Macarthur Influence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication

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The first factor that should be considered when deciding if a juvenile is competent to stand trial in adult court is the age of the juvenile. A juveniles age of is an important factor and essential for understanding whether the juvenile can understand their Miranda rights (Mayer Cox, et al., 2012). Juveniles understanding Miranda rights is fundamental in deciding their competency to stand trial since trial in adult court is the consequence of arrest and interrogation. How can a juvenile comprehend adult court trial procedures if they are incapable of understanding their Miranda rights? Age also serves as a comprehension of brain and developmental functions of the youth being referred to (Bryant, et al., 2005). On the off chance that the youth has not yet achieved the age of brain development where they can comprehend their actions and the penalties to follow, they won't be equipped for understanding court procedures and protect …show more content…

The MacCAT-CA encompasses 22 questions with three general measures; understanding, appreciation, and reasoning. The 22 questions in the MacCAT-CA incorporate 8 questions that are developed on the understanding measure which assesses the youth’s comprehension of roles and responsibilities of individuals that will be a part of criminal court proceedings (Pinals, et al., 2006). The appreciation measure incorporates 6 questions that identify with youth’s point of view toward their pending criminal case. Lastly, the reasoning measure envelops the last 8 questions and requests that the youth exercise rationale and thinking abilities identifying with legitimate data (Pinals, et al., 2006). The MacCAT-CA evaluation instrument was built up as an evaluation of youth's mental abilities related to aptitude to

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