
Summary: Rape Victim Speaks Out About Attack

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When it comes to women and crime, one category that leaves a lifetime scar is rape. A video that I watched shares the personal experience of Amy, a young twenty-five year old woman from Connecticut. The video is called “Rape Victim Speaks out About Attack” its duration is 30 minutes long. One night after work, Amy was walked to her car by the working bartender, his name was Angelo. Angelo had asked if he could get a ride home with Amy as he had too much to drink and could not drive. Reluctantly Amy agreed, due to the fact they had been working together for two years, and that he had always seemed friendly. Angelo directed Amy where to go that night, and after 45 minutes of driving, they ended up lost in a residential area neither knew of. At this point Amy felt unsafe and asked Angelo to get out of the car by pointing to the door. His reaction however was him pointing to his crotch and asked how much, indicating he wanted to pay her for sex. Amy said no, and kept asking Angelo to leave. When Amy got out of the car and tried calling 911, …show more content…

In this instance the person who raped Amy was someone she knew, a coworker of hers. The satisfaction of being able to trust Angelo due to 2 years of working with him allowed Amy to feel comfortable in giving Angelo a ride. What happened to Amy was acquaintance rape, however in this scenario there was resistance and a lot of force used. Second of all chapter 5 mentioned the effects of the traumatic experience and this lines up exactly with how Amy felt as she was depressed, angry, stressed, and had anxiety. In Amy’s case she had a strong support system, along with therapy, but till this day she is still on antidepressants to help her. A point Amy made about rape was that rape is not about sex, rather it is about control and power, similarly we learned in this class that men have a need to exert control and

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