
Summary Of 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?'

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For my short story, I mimicked the style of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” I used dialogue in my story, just like Oates did. This is a feature that is unique to this suspense short story. Then, I used descriptive language to describe and provide insight to my characters, just as Oates used to description to describe her characters. In addition, I added two red herrings into my story. One was William, who seemed very much into Tanya and could have done anything to her, as she was rejecting him. Second, the strange unknown chubby man, who was also the cousin of Tanya. When he told William to come back tomorrow and meet him at the same spot and at the same time, curious questions arise as to why did requested that, and if he was going …show more content…

Oates used irony in her story by, making the incident occur on a Sunday, the day her family went to a barbecue and was invited to come, but chose not to go. Furthermore, I used symbolism to mimic the style. The dreams symbolize a form of communication of the ghost and Tanya. The journal Tanya reads represents, finding of the unknown, through reading that she understands why the ghost appears in front of her and why she had such dreams. The tire going flat symbolizes, that no one can stop the future because the flat tire causes her to meet the murders of Neil’s best friend. Oates uses symbolism by, of the car being temptation/unknown and the screen being false protection. I also used foreshadowing because all the dreams lead to some kind of connection to suspense. Just like in the other story, there was foreshadowing when Arch kept saying he was coming after Connie. Moreover, I used an allusion by, connecting the dreams come to true, to an Indian movie called “Tripura.” My story also has a cliffhanger because it leaves the reader of at “dreams are…” it is up to the audience to decide, there is no right answer according to the

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