
Summary Of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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In 1906’s The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, we are introduced to a family from Lithuania lead by
Jurgis Rudkus, a young man of the age of twenty-six. Jurgis along with his love Ona Lukoszaite Rudkus, a young sixteen-year-old and her family have immigrated to the United States of America in search of the
American Dream of riches and comfortable living. The story begins with Jurgis and Ona’s wedding and the dread that was already set in their minds of how they will afford paying for everything. The concern of paying for the alcohol that their guests are so liberally imbibing in. We see Jurgis as a man who is deeply in love with Ona and just wants to give her the best life that he possible can. In Chicago, the family finds that life in America is not as wonderful as they were led to believe. There are inadequate jobs, and what is available is mind numbing, back breaking work. The family soon understands that everyone has to pitch in and find work if they are going to survive their new lives. Jurgis and some of the other family members find employment in the local meat packing
Factory of Packingtown. Work there is hard and a worker can quickly be worn down and find themselves out of a job from illness, injuries, or even death. The working conditions of the slaughter and meat packing houses at this time are horrible. Workers are working in extremely dangerous situations where they can lose fingers and limbs, they can suffer cuts that become infected, and become ill from the vapors that they inhale. Not only are the workers conditions horrible, but the actual treatment of the animals and how they process the meat makes visitors to the plant become ill, but only the workers know about the true horrors that the visitors on tours never get to see. Cows and pigs are slaughtered and sent to be processed, nothing is wasted. Even if meat is dropped on the filth covered floor it is still picked up and processed into food for someone to eat. In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair wants to bring to light the disgusting and filthy working conditions that the workers had to suffer in. He would end up shedding a light on the deplorable food products that the American public was eating without their knowledge. What

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