Most Tokay Geckos are so gray they almost appear a light blue with brown or orange specks or spots. Although when necessary they can slightly change the shade of their skin. They also have little hairs on their feet called setae to help them travel faster and climb easier and farther, like upside down. Additionally, their eyelids are clear or transparent and when their tail is bitten off it can regrow or regenerate, although it will most likely never be as long. Tokay Geckos’ mating season lasts four to five months. Their gestation period is around four to eight weeks and they have two to three eggs per period. This can happen more than once during a mating season. Both parents protect their eggs until birth, which is slightly unusual,
The mating season is year round and once they’re pregnant the, length of gestation is one hundred thirty days to one hundred ninety days. (The gestation for a human is two times longer.) They only have one offspring at birth. After birth the young latch onto the backs of their mother and stay until a year of age.
The New Caledonian Crested Gecko is one of the most sought out reptiles in the herptoculture hobby today. This medium-sized gecko has all the qualities of what to expect of a pet lizard. They combine their sheer beauty and low maintenance and docile tempers, making it an all around great pet to own (Rhacodactylus, p. 16). In the herpetological society, the crested gecko’s popularity has grown above hobbyist, into the hands of many first time pet owners, giving a first time experience made easy. According to Fester, (2007) “the rare Crested Gecko thought to be extinct but rediscovered in New Caledonia in 1994” (fester’ at Ireland
The adult Great Blue Heron is a blue-gray color. They have a black stripe above their yellow eyes. The stripe extends to the back of the neck turning into a plume of feathers like a ponytail. They have gray, shaggy neck feathers with streaks of white, black, and rust-brown. They
The first step will be to dissect preserved specimens of both, barking and non-barking geckos, and to select representative samples of tissue from the laryngeal and the tracheal area. The non-barking geckos will serve as a control. This tissue must be processed by standard protocols, either by manual or automated techniques (processing in histology commonly refers to the removal of water or dehydration by placing the tissue in gradually increasing concentrations of alcohol, and then xylene, to finally infiltrating the tissue with paraffin or plastic). After processing the tissue will be embedded in paraffin block, and cut into micrometric sections and placed in positively charged glass slides.
One of the adaptations the the Leopard gecko has is its defence mechanisms. The Leopard gecko is able to cut portions of its tail off in order to distract predators while they make their getaway. If a predator catches it by its tail the gecko can release the part that is captured. And while the tail is disconnected it wiggles around for a few minutes as another way to distract the predator. Its tail will grow back in a month or so, but the tail will not look the same as it did before.
The average number of offspring produced is one. They give birth every two years approximately. The offspring stays in the womb about ten to eleven months. Although little is known about the vaquita reproduction, researched believe that reproduction of the vaquita is similar to that of harbor porpoise. If this is to be true, sexual maturity is obtained at three to five years of age and the gestation period is probably eleven months.When a vaquita is born, they are born darker than the mother vaquita
There are many methods of reproduction, but the two main methods are sexual and asexual, but which one is more efficient or beneficial. Sexual reproduction is the fusing of two gametes to produce an offspring. This form of reproduction is used by a lot of organisms, including us. Asexual reproduction is reproduction that only involves one parent. (“Pros and cons of sexual and asexual reproduction”). I am going to focus on asexual reproduction and the Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard. This unique lizard uses asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is better for this species of lizards because it only requires one parent, it is less risky, and the population is only female.
They come in a variety of colors including solid white, shadings of light to medium gray, black, sable, and red. In animals with shadings, parts of legs, feet, the underbody, and part of face markings are predominantly white. The AKC does not recognize any other solid colors than white.
serpentina reaches breeding age, while the female matures at 8 to 9 inches (20 to 22 centimeters) length. In most of its range, mating season is March through November and nesting takes place from mid-May to mid-June. Variations in these time frames do occur. For instance, in the cooler, northernmost reaches of its range, mating and nesting take place later in the year, while in the warmer southern regions these activities happen earlier in the year. Moreover, in southern Florida, mating occurs throughout the year (“Common snapping turtle - Chelydra serpentina | ARKive”,
tail. They have gray or rosy brown backs with lighter gray or brown hind legs and have
The distinct features present in the White Handed Gibbon are the white rings of fur around their black hairless faces and their white hands and feet. The fur on this type of Gibbon can be either a cream, brown, or black color. Gibbons do not have a tail but instead have an ischial callosity.
Mating season starts after hibernation, between May and July. The female alone takes the role of raising the litter, which could have up to ten offspring. The spines gradually but in a short time begin to develop. At birth, the offspring is blind and has a layer of barely developed spines
With gestation being 9 months, babies are usually seen between February and March when the grass tends to be at its highest. Greater Kudus tend to have one calve, rarely two; mothers suckle for 7 minutes at a time until calf is nearly 3 weeks old. Hiding for 2 weeks calves join the herd but continue to lie-out at least at night for an additional 4-5 weeks.
With gestation being 9 months, babies are usually seen between February and March when the grass tends to be at its highest. Greater Kudus tend to have one calve, rarely two; mothers suckle for 7 minutes at a time until calf is nearly 3 weeks old. Hiding for 2 weeks calves join the herd but continue to lie-out at least at night for an additional 4-5 weeks. Vocal communication is common with a gruff bark is one of the loudest noises antelope make. Males grunt loudly when rutting and fighting, with a suppressed whine during courtship.
Giant tortoises are usually only active from about 08:00 until 16:00. Mating may occur in almost any month of the year but reaches a peak during the warm / wet season, with eggs usually hatching between December and April. Sexual maturity of a Galapagos tortoise is attained at the age of about 20 - 25 years. During the breeding season male giant tortoises chase each other and posture by raising their heads as high as possible, the dominant individuals being those able to raise their heads the highest.