
Summary Of To My Lord Ignorant

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Social media is comprised of applications and websites that allow people to communicate, share content, and connect with others through social networking. The purpose of social media is communication, entertainment, and drama, and applications like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter etc. deliver the purpose in its own creative way. Social media is a modern form of communication; however, epigrams used to be the main form of communication before the creation of social media. An epigram is a short, clever statement, and it can be considered a traditional version of a tweet because of its short length. Ben Jonson, an English poet and writer, wrote many epigrams, but his “To My Lord Ignorant” is a form of social media because it is similar to a tweet, and it is full of drama. Jonson’s “To My Lord Ignorant” is a dramatic epigram that addresses the ignorance of people and stereotyping of professions in society. The epigram is not addressed to a …show more content…

For instance, the speaker goes ranting about an aristocrat who defames poets, and he threatens the aristocrat by saying that he has a "revenge made in his name" (Jonson). Many twitter fights are similar to this. Tweeters tweet about other people or things that they are frustrated about, and then it goes back and forth, thus starting a twitter fight. One of the biggest twitter fights happened between the rapper Meek Mill and Drake in which Meek Mill tries to slander Drake by accusing him of "not writing his own raps" (Ramirez). Drake responds to this accusation by composing a song in which he casts aspersions on Meek Mill. The epigram and the twitter fight between Drake and Meek Mill is similar because the aristocrat defames poets just like Meek Mill, and Ben Jonson responds with an epigram, just like Drake responds with a song. The epigram is a form of social media because it addresses the ignorance of

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