Social media is comprised of applications and websites that allow people to communicate, share content, and connect with others through social networking. The purpose of social media is communication, entertainment, and drama, and applications like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter etc. deliver the purpose in its own creative way. Social media is a modern form of communication; however, epigrams used to be the main form of communication before the creation of social media. An epigram is a short, clever statement, and it can be considered a traditional version of a tweet because of its short length. Ben Jonson, an English poet and writer, wrote many epigrams, but his “To My Lord Ignorant” is a form of social media because it is similar to a tweet, and it is full of drama. Jonson’s “To My Lord Ignorant” is a dramatic epigram that addresses the ignorance of people and stereotyping of professions in society. The epigram is not addressed to a …show more content…
For instance, the speaker goes ranting about an aristocrat who defames poets, and he threatens the aristocrat by saying that he has a "revenge made in his name" (Jonson). Many twitter fights are similar to this. Tweeters tweet about other people or things that they are frustrated about, and then it goes back and forth, thus starting a twitter fight. One of the biggest twitter fights happened between the rapper Meek Mill and Drake in which Meek Mill tries to slander Drake by accusing him of "not writing his own raps" (Ramirez). Drake responds to this accusation by composing a song in which he casts aspersions on Meek Mill. The epigram and the twitter fight between Drake and Meek Mill is similar because the aristocrat defames poets just like Meek Mill, and Ben Jonson responds with an epigram, just like Drake responds with a song. The epigram is a form of social media because it addresses the ignorance of
Cited by Shari Veil, in her 2011 article, “Incorporating Social Media in Risk and Crisis Communication,” “Social media is at its core human communication, possessing characteristics of participation, openness, conversation, community, and connectedness.” This demonstrates how integral social media has become in our daily communication.
How often do we use social media? Teenagers spend at least nine hours a day on social networking sites. That’s thirty percent of all time spent online dedicated to social media. These numbers are constantly increasing every day. Many of the tweets and posts that we see on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter use arguments and we don’t even realize it. All of these arguments use ethos, pathos, and logos to make a point. Let’s examine how these three concepts are used on social media.
Ralph Waldo Emerson is a well-known writer, particularly credited as one of the most influential people in the creation of the transcendentalism philosophy. Transcendentalists, including Emerson, believe in the inherent good of people and nature. Main themes in Emerson’s writing also show his beliefs and opinions on nonconformity, society, and the individual self. Considering what Emerson writes about these topics, we can imagine how he would react to some of our modern inventions, such as social media. Social media is defined as “forms of electronic communications through which people create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content” (“Social Media”). Social
Austin, PhD and Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Kentucky University, believes that social media is the largest purveyor of disconcerting trends seen in readers. He claims in his Psychology Today feature entitled "Want a Better Life? Read a Book" that the punchy / quick lived nature of online media can be droning and inescapable, causing its users to accept preconceived opinions rather than critically analyzing a text using their personal rationale. For those like Austin, the increasing prevalence of social networking has not only altered the way in which we read, but the way in which we
Rhetoric is all around us and whether we realize it or not, we are exposed to it all the time. We can find rhetoric in all forms of media from Movies to TV shows from newspaper articles to social media. One piece of media that contains rhetoric is music, more specifically Taylor Swift’s 2012 album Red. Red presents several rhetorical situations including commentary on relationships.
Since the invention of the Internet, people have become indulged with its copious functions, from making advanced programs to learning how to do new projects to social media. Social media has evolved over the years, from Friendster to Myspace to Facebook, since the late 1990s, and people have incorporated it into their lives. It is the modern way for people to connect and communicate with anyone and everyone across the globe. Plus, social media is everywhere; people utilize it when they are on the bus, at the checkout line, and even when they are using the restroom. In Peggy Orenstein’s “The Way We Live Now: I Tweet, Therefore I Am,” she propounds that social media has altered society. Social media has changed society’s priorities, characteristics, and mentality.
Preview of Speech: Social media plays a huge role in our society, and it’s not a good thing. To understand its impact, we have to know a few things that come
Stacey Pigg, in her article entitled “Coordinating Constant Invention: Social Media’s Role in Distributed Work,” explains how social media can be used as a form of “invention through intertextual activity” (711). Invention being the means of creation of new ideas for writing and intertextuality being a network of texts that connect to a certain topic of idea. It may be hard to think of social media as a form of writing, I was even confused by it at first. However, the way Pigg explains it made me think of social media in a different light. Social media is comprised of a network of different outlets that connect individuals to our followers and to the world. This network serves as a form of intertextuality. What we post or share can be influential to others as they form their own ideas on the matter. Likewise, the substance that others post and share has the ability to affect our mindsets of that person or their ideas. For example, a group of people from my church, as well as myself, formed a group on Facebook where we can share ideas about religion and about how events
The social media is one of the most common ways of communication and pretty much of knowing anything and everything around the world these days, and it is growing very rapidly. It changes and affects each person in a different way, or ways. Some may argue that social media has a bad influence on children and young adults, and that it negatively effects their brains, character, or personalities, while most people see that the social media has a more positive effect on them than a negative one. Moreover, social media has helped many people around the world to connect, or re-connect, with each other, easily. Social media is basically the new way of keeping in touch with everything and everyone, and of even strengthening bonds between each
Internet meme spreads in the form of an image or a video. It can be a word or a phrase. Memes have the power to shape the culture, change our living styles, and continually evolve with changing society. The widespread adoption of social media as a common component of everyday life has completely altered the ways we communicate and allowed memes to spread and become part of the popular cultural framework for many different populations (Shifman, 2013).
Social media is any website that allows social interaction. Social media is growing rapidly throughout the world. More adults and teenagers are joining sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter to interact with friends, family, and strangers. The introduction of social media has changed the world in many ways. It affects each individual in different ways. Today it can be used as a very helpful tool in changing a person’s life, but at the same time cause such conflicts which can negatively impact a person. While there are some negatives associated with social media, the positives in communication all around, has made the world stronger and a better place to live in.
There are two types of media, and each type has his way to broadcast the information. “These two types are traditional and-social” (Hayles K., 2004). Traditional media includes: radio, magazines, newspapers, television, different publications and so on. Social media is the process of the informational interchange. In recent years, social media became part of everybody’s life. People exchange the information, opinions, news everywhere: in blogs, social networks, forums, etc. People became sources to each other. The importance of social media is rising extremely.
The world has never before been connected as much as it is today. One’s ability to communicate through various mediums is rapidly advancing, and this is much thanks to social media.
Social media can be seen from completely different aspects and points of views. A major role in these different opinions plays mostly the age of the beholder, because social media made an enormous change in the last 50 years. One very important aspect in our today’s society is to get as many information as possible in a very short time period ("Impacts of social media”) Through social media and especially social networks such as twitter and Facebook, the information gets spread extremely fast. There are for example reporters who search on those networks to get information for their news and articles. (“Impacts
On my journey to explore whether social media is a blessing or a curse, I ended up with several dramatic consequences. As Scott Brickman, in the article, “the advancement of the communication media,” points out “the boon in lights of the technology.” He proves that Social networking has become a necessary part of our communication culture that cannot be disregarded easily. He also