
Summary Of Thomas Wilson Counter Argument

Decent Essays

These two passages are both polar opposites and identical copies of each other. Wilson is able to use this to show us how unproductive these arguments are by placing them next to each other. Wilson's writing shows how little research these two groups did, how little ground they seek to gain, and how undeveloped these two arguments are. Wilson satirizes these arguments in such a way that may seem extreme at times, but it effectively conveys his point. Right off the bat, Wilson makes it clear how little research the two sides did. The most obvious sign is the lack of a counter argument. A counter argument would have shown that either one of these sides did research on them other, so the absence of one proves that neither side took that into consideration. Also neither the People-First Critics or the Environmentalists use a diction that would give the impression that they know …show more content…

They do not use any metaphors, idioms, or any other type of figurative language that you would normally find in a well thought out and developed work of literature. Also they never continue with an idea long enough to develop a solid standing. Just when they start to bring you in and to develop an idea they move on to a different agenda. Alone you may not notice this underdevelopment but when placed together you realize how childish these two sides are. In conclusion all of this culminates together to make it obvious that neither side, the People-First Critics or the Environmentalists, made the attempt to research, gain ground, or develop their arguments. Wilson satirizes the language of these two groups and it able to make clear issues with their arguments that before may not have been clear. Wilson also is able to mock the groups in a way that shows them how childish they are. All in all this is a great way to compare the two sides with similar

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