
Summary Of The War On Second Chances By Ar Khadr Simmons

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The essay “The War on Second Chances” discusses the stories of both Omar Khadr and Christopher Simmons, and how lawfully right it was for the U.S. and Canadian governments to do what they did to them. With Khadr, they interrogated him when he was drugged from the medication he was given in the hospital and cuffed to his stretcher for killing an American soldier in combat. With Simmons, they sentenced him to life in prison for killing a woman by pushing her over a bridge into a lake. Youth should not be treated the same as adults when it comes to committing certain crimes because teenagers are not mentally developed enough to fully understand what they’re doing. Usually there is something that triggers them to do something as serious as kill somebody, and simply putting them in prison for life will not help them fully develop mentally and teach them how to act.
A person’s mind is developing from the start of their life all the way up to when they are in their twenties. Yet the criminal justice system thinks, or thought, it was right for kids to be treated the same as adults when it came to committing serious felonies. A fifthteen year old can spend life in prison for killing someone alongside an adult …show more content…

A trigger. Whether it be that they were taught to do that, or they were abused growing up, or they are mentally unstable. Christopher Simmons, for example, was deprived of love while he was growing up. He had an abusive drunk stepfather, and his mother never did anything to help him. Wouldn’t protect him, or take his side. A person who grows up in that kind of setting isn’t going to be ok when they get older. All they’ve ever seen was hatred and violence. This can create an image in their mind that it is right to kill someone. Or maybe they do it out of revenge. Or even jealousy, jealous that someone got to grow up living a happy life, but that person

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