
Summary Of The Story 'Straight Pool By John O' Hara

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Clearly, “Straight Pool” by John O’Hara can be interpreted in two distinct ways. I can see why you believe that we should feel sympathetic for Mae, but I think you need to see it from my point of view. At first I thought Mae was just a sad wife in a bad relationship, but as I read on I realized that Mae is a manipulative woman. I need you to know that she is a very devious and scheming wife. Mae’s husband, the narrator in this story, sees that he is having problems with his wife. He explains all of Mae’s madness to his friend, Jack McMorrow at the pool hall. The husband explains how Mae always tells him to not talk to Jack about Mae and how she acts weird when it comes to him leaving the house. Since Mae is so fixated on Jack and schemes …show more content…

I believe that all she wants is to get her husband to leave so that she can be with Jack. Her first idea is to act crazy and cry; however, there are some suspicions when it comes to Mae crying in front of her husband. Mae surprisingly stops crying when her husband says he is leaving the house: “At least I don’t think I am, but Mae gets these crying spells, and honest to God, I can’t stay in the house another minute. And then if I say I’m going out, even if it’s only for a pack of cigarettes, why, she suddenly all of a sudden stops crying and sits there looking at me, not saying a word, and it’s worse than her crying” (32). First of all, it seems to me that Mae can turn her crying on and off very quickly. Second, she stops crying when her husband leaves, which I interpret as being very suspicious. You might think of the end of her crying as her simply being mad at her husband for leaving, but I think of it as Mae wanting her husband to feel comfortable when he is gone. If all she does is cry when he is home, he is eventually going to want to leave the house, which is exactly what Mae wants. If he thinks his wife is fine when she is home alone and he won’t have to deal with her crying, then he will keep

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