
Summary Of The Short Story The Boat

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Choice is important in a person’s life, as a person’s life is constantly revolved around the choices one make. The choices one decides to make, always has a significant impact on their life, and the people around them. However, the values a person has impacts the decision that one make. The values a person carries are taught to them by their parents, whatever the parent value that is what the child is going to learn and base their future decision on. However, if both parents carry contrasting values to each other, the child will learn both values, but if the child favors ones’ value over another, it creates a riff between the least favourable values of the other parent. In the short story “The Boat” written by Alistar MacLeod, shows the importance choice has on a person’s life, and the values that a person is taught impacts the decisions a person makes.
In the short story “The Boat”, the parents, ‘mother’ and ‘father’ both carry contrasting values. The mother values a more traditional lifestyle, while the father values a more modern lifestyle. Both carry significant influence on their children; the mother brought up the children initially by teaching the daughters how to cook and clean, “…helped my [the daughters], mother a great deal about the house” (227). The daughters initially followed in their mother footsteps, bringing their mother’s values into their fathers’ room which was always messy in the hope of “imposing order” (227), however, in the quest of imposing order,

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