
Summary Of The Sanctuary Of School By Lynda Barry

Decent Essays

All children need a safe place to be after school with caring, responsible adults and engaging activities that connect each child to his/her school, family and community. One method to provide this is through an after-school program. After school programs are any organized program, which invites children to participate in the traditional school day. In Lynda Barry´s essay, “The Sanctuary of School”, the author describes how the school helped her feel in a better environment since his parents had many problems and did not pay enough attention to her. Yes, Barry´s assessment of after-school programs is accurate. They are very important to children because from a social aspect it helps the children develop relationships, get them out of their comfort zones to try new things, meet new people, and overall improve on their general outlook on situations they may not have engaged on their own. …show more content…

Lynda Barry states, “I was going to enjoy a thoroughly secure, warm and stable, world” (Barry 650). This shows the security that many children feel when they are in school. In addition, in after-school programs, people care about the children. “Mrs. LeSane asked me what was wrong and when I said nothing, she seemingly left it at that, but she asked me if I would carry her purse, and if I wanted to come into Room 2 early and paint” (Barry 650). Children feel it is their second home, a place where they can feel loved and that people care about

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