
Summary Of ' The Impossibly Great Commission '

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"Better you than me." This phrase has been stuck in my mind for weeks now. After preaching a message at a local friend’s church, these were the only words I received from one particular stranger. That is to say, these are the only words I received from someone who saw it fit to give me a pat on the back, followed by a crumpled up ball of cash (each of these gestures were received without solicitation). The sermon I delivered that morning was titled "The Impossibly Great Commission.” Looking back now, I realize that I could have spent a little more time one the headline, but the message itself was clear: we are purposed for a reason that is impossible to fulfill within our own strength. More simply put, "We need Jesus." Now fast forwarding one or two months brings us to the day when I first set foot on foreign soil, only to be greeted by multiple strangers with hugs and celebration. Their first words to me? “My home is your home, follow me." As I am now serving in Central America, I’ve learned quickly that the people here are rich with love and humility. Every person I have met has been exceedingly kind to me. The children often run to me with excitement to share their favorite Bible verses in English, the teens invite me to play sports with them, and everyone insists on having me over for a delicious meal. Christ gave us the commission to go and make disciples of "all" nations, so for now, He has made me a home here. Hopefully, the short account I gave of the

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