
Summary Of The Four Idols Of Bacon And Cultural Misunderstanding

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Four Idols of Bacon and Cultural Misunderstanding
In the Humanistic Tradition the author, Gloria Fiero introduces Francis Bacon as an English scientist and politician. Bacon known as the leading advocate of the empirical method, is best known for his work Novum Organum. Fiero looks at Bacon’s work because of the importance of these four classes of Idols. The four classes of idols in Bacon’s method are Idols of the Tribe, Idols of the Cave, Idols of the Marketplace, and Idols of the Theatre. Fiero states, “A prophet of the new learning, he sought to eliminate errors in reasoning derived from blind adherence to traditional sources of authority and religious beliefs” (The Humanistic Tradition page 115). In other words, Bacon creates a new method that is based on science rather than religious beliefs. This is essential due to the fact that hypothesis can be validated. In the film Dear White People written, directed, and co-produced by Justin Simien discusses racial tension in prestigious and predominately white colleges, from a minority perspective. Thus, correlates with the four Idols of Francis Bacon. A non-colored minority student named Kurt, son of the school's president, Garmin Club House (the house he is affiliated with), and with the assistance of a colored student conceptualized their annual party theme of interpretation of black culture by painting their faces black. A minority student named Lionel, insulted by the theme, confronts the party, provoked an

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