
Summary Of The Documentary Race: The Power Of An Illusion

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In the video Race: The Power of an Illusion – Episode III: The House We Live in the documentary takes the viewer into the different interviews amongst the GI soldiers who were affected by the new loan policies put into place by President Roosevelt. The documentary begins with the initial discrimination that all racial groups face when they enter America in mass amounts, to the fight for what is considered “white”, and finally ending on the personal discrimination against black people following World War II and ongoing effects of it that are still felt today. Following World War II the soldiers returned home looking to start a lives of their own. Many of them gained money from the GI Bill that would allow them to start their lives. As …show more content…

Currently, there are still unseen geographic boundaries between white people and minorities. The neighborhoods that were all black in the fifties continue to be run down, minority run neighborhoods. Since immigration into American began there has been racial inequality. Yet, it is generally overcome. Every racial group has taken a turn being the target for discrimination, the Irish, the Italian, the Armenian etc. have all faced and overcome discrimination in America. Yet, the black people of America have seemed to face it the hardest in a never ending world of discrimination. Being a white middle class citizen I and my family have not felt the discrimination that is being faced by different minorities. My parents and grandparents were able to easily acquire loans for their homes and have never been faced with discrimination against where they can live, shop or work. Yet, today, I have faced the issue that it has become much easier to earn money for college if you are a minority in some way. It is now beneficial to be a minority when it comes to scholarships and college acceptance. This is an interesting turn of events considering what has occurred in the past. I cannot complain about the effects of what is called “affirmative action” because it is a small inconvenience compared to the wrongs that were made against African Americans and Latinos in the

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