
Summary Of The Crucible Act 2 Scene 2

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To start off I felt this was a good movie overall. One scene I felt that had stood out was when the black man was showed the pattern on the cloth showing that there was a house he can escape to with his daughter. This scene kind of gave us a hint that many people probably knew about the house but was too scared to escape in fear of being caught. I felt that the black man was very determined to get his daughter away safely no matter what so much that he went in to unknown water just to hide from the slave masters. I was a little confused at the begging because I thought slave work consisted of picking cotton or some other hardship. There was a scene that stood out to me on a personal note. The scene were the black man was hanged and his daughter was watching as this occurred. …show more content…

I also felt that this scene was important because it was a perfect depiction of what slaves had to endure. This relates to chapter 5 by it explain how slaves ran away and also how they hide in swamps just like the black slave in the film. This relates to chapter 6 by as discussed in the book with the vigilance committees there was a house in the film to shelter the black man and his daughter with the women. I don’t think this was an accurate portrayal of slavery. From what I know I don’t think slaves was black smith because that will give them a chance to acquire their own tools. On the other hand some parts of the film that did portray slavery right like how the slaves escape in the film and also how they get hung if

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