
Summary Of The Article 'When The Gender Boxes Don T Fit'

Decent Essays

Sara Girgis
Week 8

In the article “When the Gender Boxes Don’t Fit” by Ericka Sokolower-Shain I found myself a little disagreed. I am all about equality for all, and everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin. I agree with the writer that “gender doesn’t have to be so black and white” (Sokolower-Shain, 2009, pg. 34). The whole conflict this person came across within the whole bathroom discussion I felt fully on their side, and it was something I would support, gender neutral bathrooms. But then I thought about myself, I won’t feel comfortable about entering a bathroom with men in there. I don’t know if that messes with my beliefs on equality but the thought of it did make me uncomfortable. I think if I was asked to sign

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