
Summary Of Reconstruction After Civil War

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Reconstruction was the period following the Civil War in which the national government attempted to reintegrate the Southern states that had formed the Confederacy back into the United States. During this time the US faced many social, political, and economic challenges. The national government worked to establish order in the South. In the process, the nation passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution that ended slavery, defined citizenship, and protected the right to vote. As a result, most Southern states, where former slave owners needed workers, adopted Black Codes, allowing them to still treat African Americans as if they were beneath them. After Reconstruction many were extremely poor, and created a poverty system known as Sharecropping. This was when the poor grew crops on another’s land in return for money paid after the harvest. With recently been freed with no financial resources, African Americans had to accept credit each year to pay for seeds, tools and other supplies. In the end, most sharecroppers remained in debt. During The Rise of Industry many new inventions and developing factories were created, but with the new work came new problems. During this time there …show more content…

Germany suffered the most humiliation as they were forced to accept the war guilt clause, pay an impossibly large cover, destroy its army, surrender its fleet, and forfeit its colonies. To help maintain order and diffuse crises in this new environment, the League of Nations was established as an effect of the Versailles Treaty. Another key element of WW1 was the economies growing currency instability. The debt of the War caused Europeans to print boatloads of money only to create uncontrollable inflation. And the middle class who had been living reasonably began experiencing a rock financial

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