
Summary Of ' People Speak ' By Howard Zinn

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“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” Desmond Tutu. In class the idea of justice was the overarching idea. We looked at different types of justice and how the idea of justice has evolved overtime. Justice and law are two separate entities because the law is not always applied equally. We looked at how justice was perceived in Plato’s time and how he himself saw justice. I look towards the platform of Jill Stein the Green Party and their pursuit for justice. Justice overtime has not been applied quality and an idea that had to evolve. In the “People Speak” by Howard Zinn, he shows examples of the injustices down by the American Government and show the struggles of marginalized in society. Black codes to drug laws were systematic forms of injustices that keep African-Americans down and limited their social mobility. Correspondingly, we discussed how the “criminal justice” system in America has consistently been unequally applying the law. Examples shown in the People Speak and the piece we saw about the Stonewall Riots was people speaking up against tyranny.

Plato in what we spoke of about, talked about what was three people’s ideas of what they thought justice meant. The first said that justice was “giving a person what is owed”. The second response was “doing good to friends and bad to enemies”. The third person said that justice was “advantage of the stronger. However, Plato’s definition of

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