
Summary Of Michael Campbell's Bound

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Bound by Michael Campbell is an erotic mystery conveying an unusual tale. Tom Amore, a weird young man in his early twenties, is working off a debt as a houseboy to a rich widow named Jacqueline. Even as Tom takes care of the domestic chores, he satisfies Jacqueline's and Ginger's infernal sexual desires, even Stella's, a staff in the house. In the past, at the age of 15, Ginger ran away from home, and a family friend took her in. Few weeks later, her friend and his boss drugged and raped her. Being intoxicated as well, the rapists were careless, and Ginger killed both of them.

Thanks to Mr. Hale, Jacqueline's father, who cleaned up Ginger's murder mess. To pay off her debt, since Mr. Hale is now dead, Ginger is serving Jacqueline as a bodyguard and lover. In the meantime, Stella is scheming to steal money from her boss, Jacqueline. Being suspicious, on a certain day, Tom trails Stella and encounters a gangster working with her. Too bad Tom gets hurt, and Ginger, who loves Tom so much and hates it when someone bullies him, intervenes, and things get ugly. Eventually, Tom and Ginger find themselves in a deathly situation that will make their relationship stronger. …show more content…

The beginning is kind of obscure, but as the story gradually unfolds, everything becomes clear. The plot is fast paced and engaging. Involving crime and drugs, it is full of thrilling adventures. However, it's jam-packed with steamy scenes and conversations. Oftentimes, after kicking off some scenes exposing intense sexual desires and talks, the author ends the description before the characters copulate to avoid having so many explicit sexual scenes. Consequently, this element leaves a reader feeling horny and wanting more of the details or wishing his partner is sitting

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