
Summary Of March : Book One And March, By John Lewis

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Some lessons never die. Mahatma Gandhi died nearly seventy years ago, and Jesus Christ died over two-thousand years ago; yet their powerful message lives on. One example of someone who was deeply touched by the teaching of Gandhi and Christ is John Lewis. In March: Book One and March: Book Two, written by John Lewis and Andrew Aydin, we can clearly see how Lewis incorporated Christianity and Gandhi's ideas of peaceful protest into the civil rights movement. The books tell an eventful story of John Lewis' life. As Lewis grew up, his faith strengthened and he began involving himself in the civil rights movement. He played a major role in desegregating department store lunch counters, buses, and giving voting rights to people of color by …show more content…

To sum this quote up, Lewis is referring to John 1:29. This bible verse is referring to God’s sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his only son, in order to save the world. Jesus is known as the lamb, so pure and kind. Although five year old John Lewis did not realize it at the time, this quote would guide him through life. In a way, Lewis is relating himself to Jesus Christ. He must sacrifice himself for the good of others, just as Jesus had done. He risked his life many times, was jailed, put in prison, gassed, as well as faced many other challenges all for the cause he believed in. Lewis was able to do this because he knew God would look after him. This is evident when John Lewis took part in a sit-in at a restaurant that lead to him being beaten and thrown into jail. He says, “I was not afraid. I felt free, liberated--like I had crossed over” (Lewis and Aydin 1: 102). What Lewis is referring to is crossing over into heaven. He was not scared because he knew God was leading him. This reminded me of Proverbs 3:5, which says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” He put his whole life in Jesus’ hands, for he knows that God will direct him towards the right path. It did not matter what life threw his way, Lewis stayed true to his faith. God had his future planned out, and he had

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