
Summary Of Macbeth Episode II: Attack Of The Sons

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Despite multiple examples throughout time, we continue to deny the impact our emotions have on our actions; Macbeth Episode II: Attack of the Sons is a prime example of this phenomenon. Macbeth Episode II: Attack of the Sons is based in roughly the same time period as Macbeth, taking place a few years after the conclusion of Macbeth. Keeping the play in the same time period as its predecessor was a crucial aspect to the overall construction and message of the play. During the 11th century, the king had numerous duties, the most important was ensuring the well-being of the country. Keeping this duty in mind, it is easier to understand the drastic and surprising actions of the characters in the play; perhaps the characters simply had the well-being of their country in mind but perhaps they had a more sinister motive at heart. It is also possible that the characters’ actions are fueled by the inadequate communication methods during the time, resulting in inaccurate information which led to a catastrophic outcome. Determining the true motives of the characters within the play is sure to spark an …show more content…

In Macbeth, the witches prophesized that Banquo would not become king but would father future generations of kings. Since the play is only a few years after the conclusion of Macbeth, the witches’ prophecy is simply waiting to be fulfilled. The play is still in a period in which black magic is extremely relevant and feared throughout a majority of countries. The fulfillment of this particular prophecy solidifies the belief in black magic as well as the authority the witches have in the lives of people. The fulfillment of the prophecy also guides the citizens to believe their fates are already set in stone and there is nothing they can do to change the result, effectively diminishing hope within those who believe in and fear black

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