
Summary Of Let America Be Great Again

Decent Essays

There are so many descriptions and word phrases that can be constructed and assimilated by one’s own views. Many word phrases may show obvious intent where some may be harder to identify. A great poem that gives a great variation of this would be “Let America Be Great Again” by a great poet by the name of Langston Hughes, creates an amazing abstract which refers to the American Dream, the greatness of the American land, and also the hope that Americans share. There is so much to consider and so much to understand when it comes to someone’s view. Mr. Hughes has become quite the legend from multiple works of art that he has created. This particular poem, he shares a very descriptive version of America and the greatness of it. Looking at this poem in detail, he writes: Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed— Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above. (lines 6-9) These words resonate so much meaning and create a great depiction of what the speaker wants to convey. The dream this context refers to would be the dream that a person has of a perfect world, in a land of opportunity since it refers to what America should be. Many look at America as the place where opportunities exist. The writing refers to letting America being greater than expected while being surrounded by love. This would make one think of a place where there is only love among the people of that area. This conveys that America

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