
Summary Of Jones And Butman's Psychodynamic Theory

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Jones and Butman (2012) in the text explain that cognitive therapy is a popular and extensively studied theory of understanding human personality. Cognitive therapies theorize that behavior is determined by internal or mental events. Initially the theory focused on identifying and changing maladaptive thoughts. However, recent models of the theory seek to help people evaluate, and change their thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. In addition, newer models of the theory seek to help clients and understand the interactional nature of their thoughts and behaviors. Jones and Butman acknowledge that cognitive therapy models lack a theory of personality development (Jones & Butman, 2012).
Jones and Butman addresses four approaches of cognitive therapy; social cognitive approaches, information processing, clinical pragmatism, and a constructivist approach, which are used to explain personality development from a cognitive perspective. Jones and Butman points out that Walter Mischel’s view of personality based on a social cognitive model, proposes that each individual’s personality is unique, thus, people have different ways of viewing the world, making sense of their perceptions, different values, learning processes, and motivations. Ellis’ REBT model suggests that people’s thoughts and beliefs affect their behavioral and …show more content…

Beck views distorted thinking patterns as causes of the presenting problem. In addition, Beck argues that people have schemas or automatic thoughts or core beliefs, which affect how they view the world. These schemas can be activated or deactivated by different life circumstances. Steven Hayes’ acceptance and commitment model focuses on examining irrational thoughts and shifts of external context, and how the problematic aspects of these concepts can be normalized and accepted (Jones & Butman,

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