
Summary Of John Winthrop's A Model Of Christian Clarity

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John Winthrop was born around the 1500’s in England which at the time had corruption due to overpopulation and not enough money. He decided that it needed to be more peace against prosecution of religion and joined a group called the Puritans. He and his group decided that they should be the ones to have a safe community as Puritans. He and his fellow people set out on a voyage where a book was written called A Model of Christian Clarity. For example, “A Model of Christian Clarity” says that “All men being thus (by divine providence) ranked into two sorts, rich and poor; under the first are comprehended all such as are able to live comfortably by their own means duly improved; and all other are poor according to the former distribution”(Winthrop 178). This means that the Puritans should be able to live the way they choose whether it be religion or rich/poor. He also emphasized helping people and not wanting anything in return. He also wanted to emphasize that the land should not be based on status and that everyone should help each other to have a more Puritan life. Winthrop believes that everyone should live a more Christian life and have compassion to the poor if you are wealthy by selling all of your things soon in order for them to eat. In “A Model of Christian Clarity”, Winthrop concludes with Deuteronomy 30 which says “Beloved, there is now set before us life and food, death and evil, in that we are commanded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another,

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