
Summary Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

Decent Essays

In any discussion of the internet, one controversial issue is that the internet is causing more harm than good. On the one hand, Nicholas Carr, writer of “Is Google making us Stupid?” argues that it has caused damaging effects to his brain and memory. On the other hand, Mr. Carr contends that there are many blessings that come with the internet. My own view is mixed as well. The internet can begin to answer virtually any question I may have. However, I have notice the attention span of the people around me is slowly decreasing. With Google doing most of the thinking for us we are no longer forced to memorize thing. So when it comes to the internet are we really losing or winning?
Nicholas Carr mentioned in his writing that he believes someone or something is tinkering with his brain. He thinks his brain is steadily changing and he noticed it most when he was reading. He has …show more content…

There has to be a line draw somewhere and that might be it. Improving the brain abilities may be something that everyone wants but the consequences is something that people should consider. The greatest invention is the smartphone: everything you need in the palm of your hand. One advantage to the smartphone was the ability to program into the phone birthdays, phone numbers, important dates and etc. We longer have to think twice about these things the phone will alert you when needed. The famous saying is use it or lose it. I can google anything my heart desires and it is there with the touch of a button. However, with the information being so readily available I don’t have to work to obtain it and I typically loose the information shortly after viewing it. Since, I don’t have to do extensive research that information doesn’t stick in my brain. It is harming or stopping the learning process. In the end it is causing

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