
Summary Of Horton, By Michael Horton

Decent Essays

Horton: Michael Horton wants us to understand that “the image of God is not something in us that is semidivine but something between us and God that constitutes a covenantal relationship (123)”. Horton wants to make sure that we know that we are the image of God. The image of God is not something that we have or carry. Since we are created in the image of God, Horton believes that God has called us to be a faithful image of him and we do this by accomplishing our calling that was given to us by God. Being created in the image is a present but it is also a task for us. It is a gift because we are given the opportunity to be like Christ. But it is a task because we need to work in order to show others who God is. So by going out and doing sinful acts we were ruining the image of God. …show more content…

“There was no moment when a human being was actually a solitary, autonomous, unrelated entity (125)”. We were created to interact with others and by those interactions we should share the Word of God to others. Horton believes that the idea of being made in the image of Christ is covenantal. Since we are in a covenantal communion with God and others, it gives us a chance to become more like God in our image. “Furthermore, the emphasis on eschatology underscores the point that ‘image of God’ is not just something that human beings are in their essence, but is a public vocation - a summons to fulfill a particular calling as God’s covenant servants”

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