
Summary Of Hiroshima A Cat's Cradle

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Ilium is where Felix Hoenikker lived for most of his life and where his children grew up. San Lorenzo is where Jonah’s journey of writing the book leads to as he is going to where the children are with the ice- nine. San Lorenzo, the country itself, symbolizes all the horrible things that could happen to a country or have already happened to other countries. The population of San Lorenzo is denser than most in the world despite it not having many re. The people are all very poor, gaining absolutely nothing for all the work that they do. San Lorenzo being a fictional island in the Caribbean follows in the footsteps of the actual islands of the Caribbean in the fact that lots of other countries came and tried to get some kind of profit off of it but eventually gave up. The book starts out being about an author writing a book about the day the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima …show more content…

In the book Newt was shown a Cat’s Cradle by his father but all it showed him were lies. “No wonder kids grow up crazy. A cat's cradle is nothing but a bunch of X's between somebody's hands, and little kids look and look and look at all those X's….[And] No damn cat, and no damn cradle.” (Vonnegut) Throughout the book characters lie to themselves to help themselves feel better and sometimes they see the X’s for what they are, the truth. Ice-nine is definitely the biggest symbols in the book. It shows that when Felix made it he made it to help the military get around easier but one little accident, the plane breaking down and hitting the castle. It could’ve hit anything but it was the castle that it hit which caused “Papa’s” corpse to fly out and create the next ice age. Nobody had started out with the intention to end the world and all human life but it still ended up happening only because of one small accident. It symbolizes that even if you have the best intentions things can always go wrong without anybody’s say in

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