
Summary Of Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistle Stop Cafe

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Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistle Stop Cafe. By: Lexi Today My first impression of Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café was that it was a love story. This was because the movie, which was more popular than the book, was advertised as a “chick flick”. But, I was wrong. The book talks about many issues that people face of the 1920’s and 1930’s, and makes me and probably everyone think about what people have struggled through. The book addresses the issue of racism before the time of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. It tells of the struggles women must go through when they reach old age and the big changes. However, the main plot line tells the story of two women, Idgie Threadgoode and Ruth Jamison, and the trials …show more content…

The two ladies meet each week and more of the story of the Whistle Stop Cafe unravels through conversations that are shared by the two ladies, Evelyn and Mrs. Threadgoode. Mrs. Threadgoode shares the narrative of the Whistle Stop Cafe with Evelyn and as a result, the setting, characters, plot, action are the revelation of Mrs. Threadgoode. Idgie and Ruth are best friends from their childhoods. Idgie never marries but Ruth marries a wealthy business man, Frank, in order to have a good life, but he turns out to be a woman abuser and beats her up all the time. Ruth escapes her marriage when Idgie drives up to her house in a truck with five colored men and Idgie packs Ruth and her belongings. Ruth helps run the Whistle Stop Cafe. Ruth and Idgie have many close relationships with the community and their employees and throughout the book there are many good experiences surrounding the cafe. Friendships and relationships was the number one reason the community loved the cafe, but a second was the good, wonderful, excellent food. The title of the book, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, brings attention to the fact that food played an important role in the development of the plot. Idgie’s most popular food innovation was the …show more content…

Eight years went by and during that time, Ruth had died. The case of Frank’s disappearance never was put to rest and finally Idgie was accused and went to trial. The Officer who was set on convicting her, quizzed her in the courtroom about the details that surrounded Frank’s disappearance, but Idgie had an answer for everything from why couldn’t Ruth testify (because she was dead) to calling the Officer a “grump faced, blowed up, baboon assed bastard” in front of the courtroom and judge. She thought she was going to be found guilty of murder. Then a witness, the Pastor of the Baptist Church in Whistlestop, testified that he wrote in his Bible all the events of Whistle Stop and during the time of Frank’s disappearance, Idgie was participating in the Churches three day picnic. The judge ordered Idgie not guilty by reason of not having a body, and having an alibi. The big question was, “Where was Frank?” As the book returns to the 1980’s the two ladies who shared the story of the Whistlestop Cafe throughout the book are parting ways. Evelyn had been dealing with problems of self worth throughout the book as she would meet

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