
Summary Of Everything American Textbook Got Wrong By James Loewon

Decent Essays

In author James W. Loewen’s book Lies My History Teacher Told: Everything American Textbooks Got Wrong, it is obvious that James Loewen is very passionate about making sure that people know that not all the history they are taught is true. He also claims that the history books have false information planted in them: “The stories the history textbooks sell are predictable; every problem has already been solved or is about to be solved” (Loewen pg. 3). Loewen’s voice throughout this book is powerful, fulfilling and persuasive as he tackles the problem off false history being taught to Americans. Loewen mainly aims this book towards high school students and the school board. He does this to make the biggest impact he can. If a group of high schoolers heard they were being lied too when it came to their history, many would be upset and would want to change the textbooks to be correct. He also directed it at the school boards so they would know that they were wrong and to hopefully replace their false textbooks with correct ones. The author’s claim that American textbooks have false information is strengthened further by him making sure he has given all the facts. For example, throughout the book, there are many citations to sites that he used and there almost all too different sites. He …show more content…

However, he is not completely successful at reaching his audience however. For example at the beginning of his book he states that “High school students hate history” (Loewen 1). That is false to say because many high schoolers don’t hate history. If he states that, “High schoolers hate history” (1) he would be wrong and many people would then lose interest in the book and simply stop reading it before he even begins to give examples. If he instead said, “Many high schoolers hate history”, he would then keep more

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