
Summary Of Ee Cummings In Just

Decent Essays

Controlled Movement in E.E. Cummings’ “in Just-”
E.E. Cummings’ 20th century modernist poem, “in Just-” can be viewed as a chaotic poem. Through this reading, the poem depicts the disorder that is often associated with children playing outside after a spring rain. However, while Cummings’ unorthodox approach to poetry may elicit confusion from his readers, this poem is, in fact, pointed and controlled. At first glance, the poem seems to be static because of its repetition and uncontrolled because of its sporadic stanza breaks. However, it is through Cummings’ diction and the structure of the poem itself through which movement becomes apparent in “in Just-”. Through these conventions, Cummings is able to control the time he presents to the reader in his poem, and it is through this control Cummings causes the reader to slow down his/her reading and at other times he rushes the reader through his words. These pauses and hastenings control the characters’ growth throughout the poem and foster the reader’s sense of its movement.
Cummings’ diction controls the speed of his poem. In “in Just-”, Cummings throws the reader right into spring. The hyphen following “in just” makes it seem like a more formal explanation is coming. Instead, the speaker announces abruptly that it is spring. It is at this moment that the reader is thrust into the speaker’s world of spring. At times the poem moves slowly, Cummings uses hyphens to lengthen ideas; the world is not just luscious and wonderful,

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