
Summary Of Dwayne Lowery's Sponsors Of Literacy

Decent Essays

Throughout Dwayne Lowery’s life he encountered quite a few Literary Sponsors, as we all have. “Any agent, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy”, is Brandt’s definition of such in her essay Sponsors of Literacy published 1998. From home to school, competition to co-workers, sponsors may take form in many ways

From a young age, Lowery was influenced and subconsciously guided to think like a Union worker. His father’s views were openly discussed in the household, as most houses do; and as Lowery was of such a young age he thought of these views as a general truth, even though he didn’t care much about them at the time. As a union member, his father supported the left wing liberals, constantly reading about them in the paper. This political background made for Lowery’s ties to the union as well as his sympathy for the workers and motivation to do well in this field. Everyone should know, you cannot help very much if you always lose the case. …show more content…

The Union sent him to a number of workshops which helped him improve his literacy in ways which he could do more good for the group. Union training “organized and administered stratified systems of opportunity and access”(Brandt 166) to new knowledge, also known as the workshops. With the knowledge gained in these workshops, Lowery was able to “present the union side” while “slicing chunks off the employer’s case”(175) to make for the perfect

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