
Summary Of Body Ritual Among The Nacirema By Horace Miner

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The article, “Body Ritual among the Nacirema”, written by Horace Miner is an anthropological and sociological study of the Nacirema culture. Who are the Nacirema and where do they originate? The Nacirema have many strong beliefs and rituals. This is shown by the Author’s interpretation of the Nacirema‘s beliefs, rituals, and ceremonies? Since the article was written in the 1950’s, is it possible their culture has changed in the present or is it dated? Horace Miner’s article takes the emic and etic approach by looking at it through the Nacirema‘s eyes and his own interpretation.
The Nacirema are a very interesting culture, they live in North America even though little is known of their origin, their ancestry is said to be possibly European. It is said that the original and founding member of the Nacirema was a man named “Notginhasw”. He was as a cultural hero known for “throwing a piece of wampum across the Pa-To-Mac river and in the spiritual truth admitting to chopping down a cherry tree,” (Miner). They spend the majority of their time devoted to their daily rituals of economic pursuits …show more content…

The emic point of view is the most interesting for that fact Miner is also part of this culture. He is part of this culture and uses interesting ways in which to describe/interpret our culture. This is through the use of words and the symbolisms of people and events; such as, words being spelt backwards: Nacirema for American; Notgnihasw for Washington; latipos for hospital. He also used different names for doctors, dentist, psychiatrists, nurses and the hospital where they work as temple. There are a lot of similes to our society today that We are the

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