
Summary Of Acceleration By Graham Mcnamee

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The book, Acceleration, by Graham McNamee, is about a boy named Duncan, who works at the city’s Lost and Found, discovers a leather diary that belongs to a serial killer that Duncan nicknamed Roach, who is on the loose. Duncan finds out that Roach is targeting humans, specifically women, and tries to find the killer and stop him before it is too late. The main topic of this story is that mystery can make us do the unexpected. Once, the killer writes, “This is kids’ stuff… Need something BIGGER” (Mcnamee 47). Also, when Duncan was searching up books about murders, a certain passage from a book caught his eye, “Mason Lucas has a name for this ‘escalation of increasingly destructive aberrant behavior’... He calls it acceleration”(Mcnamee 88). …show more content…

After Duncan discovers what the author is going to do to some people later on, he decides to take matters into his own hands and catch the criminal. Normally, Duncan would not go and chase down a criminal, but after he finds the book, he decides that fate has brought the book to him. When Duncan is trying to track down the criminal, he thinks, “But the thing is, who knows if he’s picked out new targets by now? … Or if he’s already done it! … What if I’m already too late?” (Mcnamee 62). This quote proves that, when one does not know something important or kept in the dark for too long, they will start to rush to conclusions, and make assumptions that are mostly wrong because they do not take the time to think before they make their predictions. When Duncan finds the book and discovering the mystery of Roach, he constantly makes decisions like chasing down the murderer, or breaking into the criminal’s own home, things that he would never dare to do

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