
Summary: Homeless Population Scenarios

Decent Essays

Great job by Team 1. I think it was very helpful to have a learning agenda and providing guidance for the rest of the class about the questions posted. Your slides were a great visual aid as a way to summarize all of the material learned this week through the lectures and readings. I also think that the questions, especially # 3 and #4, allow students to really think, analyze and do more research about this week’s topics, allowing us to put into practice what we have learned this week. I also think that it might be interesting in future lectures, when we shift from the US health care system to other national health care systems, to compare the different disparities and how these are being addressed. Response to questions: 4. A program in Boston …show more content…

Jonas and Kovner discuss the housing assisting program and how the federal sector provides in terms of housing “services that offer long-term care for elderly and disabled people, such as nursing homes, and supportive at-home services that allow for aging in place, such as homes (p. 164). Preventive medicine is a way to decrease the emergency department visits of homeless people. Jonas and Kovner also discuss how the federal and state finance the care for vulnerable populations through programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, but the government needs the cooperation of the private sector and the civil society in order to reach the homeless population. For example, the U.S Department of Health and Human Services has developed a strategic action plan on homelessness. One of the goals is to help eligible, homeless individuals and families receive health and social service. The department of health is trying to “ promote organizational development and horizontal coordination between agencies such as housing, HIV/AIDS services/prevention, mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention, and criminal justice to provide integrated comprehensive services to prevent homelessness”. The government not only needs to provide money but also create and put in practice action plans as the one described. The government, with the help of the private sector and the civil society, has to be able to reach the homeless population and educate this vulnerable population on the services available to them and why it is important to use the services that are available. If preventive medicine is available to the homeless population, but the homeless people do not learn why it is important to go to the doctor for regular check-ups, even if the prevention services are available, the same

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