
Summary: Do You Think We As Citizens Of The United States

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Q: What happened on that day?

Interviewee: Terrorists hijacked four planes. Two were flown into the World Trade Center Towers, one was crashed into the Pentagon, and the last one crashed into a field in Shanksville, PA. The hijackers were part of terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden. The fourth plane that crashed was probably headed to Washington D.C. but the passengers forced the plane down before it could be flown into the White House or Capitol.

Q: How do you think it affected the people of the United States?

Interviewee: This tragedy affected United States citizens in many ways. Some of the freedoms we used to take for granted are now lost. For example the experience of flying on an airplane or attending a sporting event has become much more complicated. Everyone needs to go through screening machines, have their bags checked, and remove their shoes. More police and security guards are in public places. People get nervous when they see packages left unattended. Muslims are treated with suspicion. Finally, the United States invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, and many lives were lost on both sides because of these wars. …show more content…

At what expense?

Interviewee: I do not think we are safe today. No one can be vigilant every minute of every day. If a person or a group of people want to harm others, they can always find a way. The internet and social media have made it easier for terror groups to recruit followers. Our governments, federal state and local, spend huge amounts of money to try to protect us but we will never be totally safe from ideologues who want to attack our entire way of

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