
Summarise The Roles And Responsibilities Of School Governors

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School governors:

School governors have the purpose of support the schools to improve and avoid poor quality in education and poor practices. They supervise the school progress and promote for it to aim higher each term.

School governors are usually some parents and families, some school staff and the Headteacher of the school; so they act as a link among families’ needs and petitions and school practices and development.

Governors aim to keep high standards on education and practices, they supervise hire process, policies development and reviews, et cetera. The governors also have to ensure the schools follow the inspectorate recommendations after an inspection.

Senior management team.

The senior management team is a necessary team to aid the Headteacher to …show more content…


Teachers are responsible of preparing lessons and syllabuses for their classes, with regard to the guide and organization given by the Coordinators.

They plan, execute and evaluate the lessons and activities in order to cover the National Curriculum. They assess the students learning, development and needs.

Support Staff Roles.

Teaching support staff works with the teachers and students in order to support them during teaching and learning. They work closely with students and give the teachers further information about their personality, needs and development. Therefore their support to the teacher when planning and evaluating activities and lessons is a great asset to adapt education to suit all the students’ needs.

Other support staff may be professionals working on specific aspects of the school setting: caretakers, administrative, technicians... They aid on the operation of the school by undertaking maintenance and repair duties; they are also an asset for the school development, as their knowledge is valued when making decisions about their specific areas (i.e. ICT, purchasing cleaning products or working tools, et

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