
Suicide Is A Self Imposed Death

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Suicide is a self-imposed death that is known as the most stimulating hurtful loss that can be suffered by family members and the ones that love you. Some people use this as an option to escape the pain a suffering that they are going through. Most of us can barely visualize the suffering that leads to suicide and the pain left behind in the wake. When the person who commits suicide is young, the damage is even more intense. This paper will reflect the topic of suicide and how it relates to death and dying as well as physician-assisted suicide. Unassisted suicide comes from an individual who is likely suffering from depression. It is largely swayed by resentment, unhappiness, and misperception. Suicide is often linked with gender, marital status, age, and socioeconomic factors (Daily Outlook, 2013). Having the thought of suicide can be scary, and many people think about suicide. People tend to have strong feelings about certain things that are hard for them to deal with. Thinking about suicide does not actually mean that someone will do it, it can often be an indication that they would like to escape (Daily Outlook, 2013).
Three types of suicide are anomic, altruistic and egoistic (Daily Outlook, 2013). Anomic suicide happen when the decaying forces in the society make an individual feel alone or lost (Daily Outlook, 2013). This type of suicide is usually committed by teenagers. Altruistic suicide usually happens when there is extreme guideline of someone by

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