
Suicidal Murderer

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What Has to Happen Internally to Become a Killer?
Children crying, people dying, why would someone cause that kind of terror upon another human being? There are many theories spoken of by many scientists of the world on this very issue. There are many cases, infinite backgrounds, and too many sad stories of those related to the victims or the killers. If only there were a solution to identify the steps to murder, so people could stop and treat those who need psychiatric assistance before it is too late. The fact of the matter is, there is no single solution that can stop the vicious cycle of pain and suffering inflicted upon others, but we can identify traits that can lead a person from humanity to insanity. The one thing that must …show more content…

3 years after Columbine, the Secret Service found that 78% of killers have a history of attempted suicide or suicidal thoughts (Cullen). An example of a suicidal murderer is Eric Harris, co-conspirator and executor of the mass shooting at Columbine. He was suicidal, and wrote journal entries like this one: “Such a sad, desolate, lonely unsalvageable I feel I am. Not fair, NOT FAIR!!! I wanted happiness!! I never got it!!! Let's sum up my life, the most miserable existence in the history of time” (Cullen). Most depressed people start by blaming themselves, but then the blame shifts outward. They typically blame their ex-girlfriend, boss, or classmates, but mass murderers blame society, and they become willing to show a devastating example, make them pay, and die in the process. In the killer’s mind, it is a win-win (Cullen). Harris’ thoughts began to shift, and when he was about to devastate Columbine, he had this to say: “In 26.5 hours I’ll be dead, and in happiness. The little zombie human fags will know their errors and be forever suffering and mournful. HAHAHA” (Cullen). The next day he and Klebold did the damage they set out to do, and Eric Harris’ life ended soon after. The suicidally depressed killers have the notorious phrase “If I go down, you’re going with me” imprinted in their head, and they have proved that they can use that phrase in real life, to the horror of everyone

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