
Suffering In Tolstoy's The Death Of Ivan Ilych

Decent Essays

In the Death of Ivan Ilych you learn a lot about people. Ivan Ilych was an ordinary person; he had a family, bridge set and plenty of friends. Yet when he becomes stricken with a terminal illness everything seems to disappear. The only person that he finds comfort in toward the end of his life is his butler. I believe that there are three themes that are more prevalent than the others. The first of those themes is suffering, the second is modernization and the final theme is isolation. In Tolstoys novella suffering is a major influence on the way that the novella ends. The one constant in The Death of Ivan Ilych, is suffering. When Ilych gets a strange disease, his body slowly starts going to pieces and physical pain replaces his pleasant life. The author uses Ivan's death to show how much suffering has gone beyond the physical. Ivan suffers from fear, hopelessness, and a sense of …show more content…

Throughout the novella the doctors appear as arrogant and useless. By the end of the story's, it's pretty clear that they have not given the dying Ivan Ilych any medical help. If anything, they've only made his situation worse. Through the experience of Ivan Ilych with his doctors, Tolstoy suggests that modern medicine is a bad thing and is showing society's refusal to come to terms with death. Ivan Ilych's experience of death in the Death of Ivan Ilych is progressed by a growing sense of isolation. His suffering and fear of death have the effect of completely cutting him off from the world around him. For his friends, colleagues, and family members, life goes on just as before. Ivan is dissapointed when he discovers that none of them seem to understand or care about what he's experiencing. He has to face his fears and agonies alone, without comfort from anyone except a servant, the one person who pities him. Ivan Ilych finds solace from the person he never thought he would have, a butler of

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