
Successful Completion Of The Procedure

Better Essays

ISSN: 1812–1217
Al – Rafidain Dent J
Vol. 12, No2, 2012
successful completion of the procedure and potentially minimize risk to the patient.
There are a variety of sedatives available. Most of the standard and most popular sedatives have been in existence for almost 100 years. (4)
The pediatric dental literature contains numerous reports on various medications
(e.g., nitrous oxide, opioids, benzodiazepines, chloral hydrate, barbiturates and antihistamines) which have been administrated alone or in combination. (5 – 9)
Diazepam has been used to manage an uncooperative child in a dental setting.
It is a water insoluble benzodiazepine and requires the organic solvent propylene glycol to dissolve it. Propylene glycol is most likely responsible for renoirritation and thrombophebitis that may occur during injection. Diazepam undergoes metabolism to active desmethyl diazepam and oxazepam that can produce sedation 6 – 8 hours after its initial administration (10).
Diazepam is sedative – hypnotic agent and act in the brain on specific receptors enhancing
GABAergic transmission. Flumazenil can be used to reverse the sedative action of diazepam but repeated doses are needed (11). Diazepam is very popular sedating agents due to its wide margin of safety and it has wide therapeutic index. It has many pharmacological effects which include: sedation, hypnosis, anesthesia, anticonvulsant effects, muscle relaxation and effects on respiration and cardiovascular function. It is indicated

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